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Potty Training Tonie

Potty Training Tonie


Along the way, listeners will hear cool facts, catchy songs and a story about two kids named Jamie and Juniper who learn how to go potty. Get ready to groove to The Underpants Dance and take an unforgettable journey with The Thrilling Extra Special Fantastic Roller Coaster Ride Slide of Digestion.

This Tonie teaches kids about:

Taking potty breaks

Potty Hygiene



Songs and Stories: 1. Introduction to Potty Training 2. Potty Break 🎵 3. Jamie & Juniper Part 1 4. Try Again 🎵 5. Jamie and Juniper Part 2 6. The Underpants Dance 🎵 7. Potty All Over the World 🎵 8. Wiping 9. Washing Hands 10. Quiz: When Should You Go Potty? 11. Don’t Throw Everything in the Potty 🎵 12. Why We Go Potty aka The Thrilling Extra Special Fantastic Roller Coaster Ride Slide of Digestion 13. Underpants are Awesome 14. The Underpants Dance Reprise 🎵 15. Outro

Total Run Time: 47 minutes



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